"To be, or not to be; that is the bare bodkin, that makes calamity of so long life."

- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; 1885

Thursday, September 16, 2010

10 Things I Hate About Being 25.

(...or the advent of quarter life crisis.)

1. The disconcerting realization that "generation gap", like global warming, is a real phenomenon.

2. Having to consider whether the man you've become a little interested in, is younger to you or older, as opposed to earlier, when the only consideration was, whether he is single or taken.

3. Calling them "men" now, not "boys" or "guys". Sigh.

4. Sighing more often than before.

5. Self dependence is (pretty much like capitalism) a necessary evil of the adult life.

6. Every body around being so married and all, these days. And people thinking it is okay to ask "So? When are you getting married?"

7. The feeling of running out of time.

8. Having to take care of cooking gas, electricity bills and house repairs.

9. Missing the feeling of butterflies in stomach that came with being infatuated.

10. Bargaining with parents for deadlines as to the number of years you will be "allowed" to remain a bachelorette.

Let's face it, there is something very panicky about being on the other side of the quarter.


  1. ooooooooooo...Dont worry Missssy :)
    am sure you can count more than 10 reasons of being happy at 25 :) and you should do a post on that!

  2. :) Thanks S, there are many good things about it. But well, everyone wants to keep the wisdom and get rid of the wrinkles. Sigh. Again.

  3. u make a good job of being 25. :) so stop cribbing. :P
